Home > PRODUCT > Stainless steel belt for oil-water scraper

Stainless steel belt for oil-water scraper

  • Stainless steel belt for oil-water scraper
  • Stainless steel belt for oil-water scraper
  • Product information


    Mode of operation
             Oil is non-polar, water is polar, they are incompatible according to the physical law of similar compatibility, and the density of oil is less than that of water, and the oil will float on the surface of water without stirring.
             The oil-water separator utilizes the specific physical properties between oil and water, and continuously absorbs and removes the floating oil on the surface of the night body through the continuous operation of the annular steel belt, so as to reduce the pollution degree of the oil to the water, and can be used as a pretreatment before filtration.


    1 . It has high strength, tensile strength and flatness.
    2 . Smooth surface, straight sides and good ductility.
    3 . It has high stability, superiority and durability.
    4 . Fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, low wear and tear, high and low temperature resistance.


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